華裔女性 (常被懷疑為星加玻/馬來西亞/泰國/越南/菲律賓/印尼籍),香港特區(前英國殖民地)製造及持續發展。二十世紀六十年代產品、產品編號1022、國籍仍然BNO、宗教信仰徘徊佛教與天主教、更信奉宇宙觀和新紀元運動。典型天秤座、九型人格四號仔、二十一世紀初才達大學程度、五年內全職進修(由中五畢業生至碩士)、但願有生之年擁有博士學位。 大情大性、記憶力佳、淚腺發達、以聲取人(耳朵神經敏感如貓)。疑有「歇斯底里症」、「自戀型性格障礙」、近年更不幸染上「嚴禁噪音症」、「曠野/幽閉恐懼症」、「公眾節日恐懼症」。X光片驗出是一名女人型的男人婆,「燥」底,終生學習溫柔,未能完全食素。
Thursday, December 19, 2013
My first oil painting (July 2009)
Thanks to Lam-Sir (Ah-Yiu), it is my first oil-painting (excluding art-jamming before) after taking 2 "quick classes"!
It is a copy of Marc Chagall's artwork for a drama, actually a painting at the theatre wall. It takes me around 2 hrs (1 hr last Thursday & 1 hr this Friday) to complete the charcoal draft and then the oil-painting.
Learning and copying "surrealism" is good for me as I am too lazy and impatient in starting from pencil-drawing! Another hidden reason is, I may draw from my "dream scenes", also a good excuse to look like graffiti ~~~