Sunday, December 22, 2013

CUHK 香港中文大學 I‧CARE「博群花節園遊會」 ~ 詩意浪漫的一天 (29.3.2012)

一個陽光充沛及微風輕盈的下午, 在中大未圓湖, "What a wonderful world" 的歌聲下接受"爽報"訪問, 真爽! 四月也會成為其中一個"爽人物" ...

In a lovely spring afternoon filled with sunshine & breeze, soaked with the song "What a wonderful world", being interviewed at the "Not-yet-rounded lake" (haha, my translation) of CUHK by "Sharp Daily", will become a "Sharp Friday people" in April ...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!:)

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