Thursday, December 19, 2013

Master of Zen 達摩祖師 (movie was produced in 1992/July 2013)

A Buddhism movie "Master of Zen" (達摩祖師) (1992) - Brandy Yuen Chun-Yeung (袁振洋) was the movie-director & film-producer. He is now a monk-chief of a Buddhism group (佛教導航精舍) at Shek Mun Kap in Tung Chung (香港大嶼山東涌石門甲100號般若禪寺). Themovie-director and film-producer is sort of a legend in the movie industry! I went to his "temple" at Tsim Sha Tsui in 2002, bought a VCD of his last movie "Master of Zen" (1992). His last movie is this Buddhism one which is about an Indian prince to preach in China in the 5th century. Soon he became a monk after this movie.

Some clips from the movie:

His website: