Thursday, December 31, 2015

efarm - signages, display boards (Sep - Dec 2015)




Drama "Mother Courage & her children" at JCCAC (17-20 Dec 2015)

So blessed to have participated in this drama!  Great to have our re-run at Black Box Theatre, HK Rep, Sheung Wan in May 2016!  Hope to see you there soon! (\o/)

Monday, November 30, 2015

A Bubbly Birthday - October Triology

So blessed to have an unforgettable birthday month with someone adorable!

(1)  Peak Cafe (20.10.2015 Tue)

(2)  Wine & Dine Festival at Central (23.10.2015 Fri)

(3)  Bordeaux wine-dinner at Chinese Culinary Cooking Institute (26.10.2015 Mon)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A visit to Tung Lin Kok Yuen/Wang Fat Ching She, Tsuen Wan 荃灣東蓮覺苑弘法精舍

On a sunny afternoon, I took a visit to Tung Lin Kok Yuen/Wang Fat Ching She in Tsuen Wan.  It proves a famous English proverb: "Small is beautiful"!

In fact, I went there in an evening around 2004/2005, 10 to 11 years ago.  It was an invitation by my ex-boss (Mr Ken Kwan and his wife Heidi) who is a devoted Buddhist couple, Ken is also a talented musician in playing guitar, composing and singing.  He gave a small performance to memorise his father or mother (sorry, I forgot) so I was one of his guests.

I was there recently to attend an interview, also to pay for the "Healing Buddha" blessings.  It is great to visit it during day time to enjoy the sunshine and breeze.  After the interview with 2 nice and friendly staff (Tammy & Elby), I was led to tour around by the Sub-Prior (Shi Guan Ru), a Malaysian monk who is also nice and friendly.

Hope my interview is successful so I may start working in a sacred place full of positive people and energy!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

三月的春霧、百花盛放、坐看雲起時, 四月的月蝕、兩個雨夜

"三月的春霧、百花盛放、坐看雲起時","四月的月蝕、兩個雨夜" 。

四月中旬和下旬,五月,六月,發生太多事情,已來不及細說 ~~~

Thursday, April 9, 2015

認真的HKTV V. 是旦的TVB ─ 三次臨記體驗,無線你好 hea!


20歲後才發現自己有表演慾,初出來工作時有幸參加相關、類似、非常業餘的表演工作 ,包括: 1987年至1990年的話劇、1980年代後期的電影臨時演員(吳宇森導演、周潤發、葉蒨文飾演盲女)1991年的電視廣告(東方日報 )2005 公開大學的英語廣告、2006年為 CityU Creative Media 同學仔的畢業電影作品 2006年為宣傳政府入境處電影的英語配音、今年的微電影 等等

後悔當年沒有膽量參加什麼藝員訓練班、新星比賽、甚至香港小姐 那麼可以為自己創造和儲蓄知名度,行走江湖,說不定可以建立事業,不必現在一把年紀才忽然間做「老臨」!

因為最近(只是10月頭)認識了新同事F (小學功課輔導班),她剛讀大學的女兒介紹了F做臨記,她也介紹了我。她這個月內做了5次,我兩個星期內也做了5次!

只不過第一天是為 HKTV ,第二天是為TVB ,我卻瞬間體會兩台的作風,立分高下!

拍攝 HKTV 香港電視的《選戰》
Day 1:  20.10.2014 (Mon) 2:00 pm – 11:00 pm

地點: 亞洲博覽會 Asia World-Expo

參演明星: 李心潔、TVB的綠葉王

其他: 200個「老臨」,大部分年過60,衣著像去飲、蛇宴,原來真正扮演角色是建制派的fans,受惠於蛇齊餅稯。
我的角色:  監票員/議員
亮點: 道具超認真! 無論 name badge, ballot paper (投票表格多張) 也複製得好相似,幾可亂真;不要忘記有大約  50 個監票員/議員,每個badge的名字也不相同!


Day 2:  21.10.2014 (Tue) 7:00 pm – 4:00 am

地點:  將軍澳電視城錄影工廠

參演演員:  馬德鍾、李思捷、黃光亮、王俊棠、江美儀 、徐子山 

我的角色:  陪審團首席(3句對白)

其他:  40個「老臨」扮演法庭內每個岡位


(1)  道具你好 hea!   基本研究也做得不足夠!
(2)  想橡不到渡過生日凌晨時,是在法庭佈景!我坐在陪審團首席,馬德鍾在我左邊証人位、李思捷在我右邊律師位、黃光亮在犯人欄、王俊棠做証人。

(3)   當黃光亮在犯人欄(被控謀殺案)要激動地衝前急於認罪,旁邊兩個懲教員按著他,黃忽然問:「我要扣手扣嗎?我被判殺人罪 wor!」年約50的男導演說:「唔知wor!駛唔駛呢?」,不知是馬德鍾或李思捷說 :「唔知唔好估!你地無做 research  ?」
See?! 我認不住翌日立刻致電我的懲教friend! 我當然相信黃的提問,因他在電影多次飾演這類角色。

拍攝 HKTV《選戰》

Day 3:  27.10.2014 (Mon) 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

地點: 機場 Marriott Hotel

明星: 李心潔
我的角色:  婦女團高層

 亮點:  和李心潔同坐一桌、另一女演員扮她的秘書、我和其他10個女人扮演婦女團高層。李遊說我們支持她選2022年的特首,她秘書給我們每人一份政綱。超認真!  bind 好晒,封面過膠、入面每一頁真的是政綱,好想偷偷地取走!

*                            *                         *                         *                       *

期待1119 (星期三) HKTV開台,記得捧場!



Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"With Each Step, a Flower Blooms" Plum Village HK “每一步, 百花盛放”─ 梅村香港禪修營


After attending 8 meditation/spiritual retreat camps (from 2004 summer to 2015 spring), also writing some pieces of articles about the same, it is time to update my record and spiritual encounter!

It is my first time attending Plum Village Hong Kong (founded by the renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh)’s retreat camp, since I realized there is a amazing place as “Plum Village France” in 2004!
It is really a stunning experience to attend this Plum Village HK as it differs from my previous camps which were organized by different Buddhist organizations (Tibetan Buddhism, China Buddhism, Sri Lanka Buddhism, local green figure). 

Their lovely songs:
On the first night (26/3 Thur), I was surprised to see the young monks and nuns were playing guitar and singing folk-songs, totally different from previous typical Buddhism songs!

It is one of their songs: “Breathing In, Breathing Out”, with soft melody, simple wordings but touching!

Breathing in, breathing out;

Breathing in, breathing out;

I am blooming as a flower;

I am fresh as the dew.

I am solid as the mountain;

I am firm as the earth.

I am free. 

Breathing in, breathing out;

Breathing in, breathing out;

I am water, reflecting,

What is real, what is true.

And I feel there is space

Deep inside of me.

I am free, I am free, I am free.


During this 4-day & 3-night retreat (26/3 Thur to 29/3 Sun), we have a schedule which consists of the following:

Dharma Talk (6:00 am – 7:00 am)

Walking Meditation (7:00 am – 8:00 am)

Breakfast (8:00 am – 9:00 am)

Working Meditation (e.g. cutting vegetables, cleaning) (9:00 am – 10:30 am)

Dharma Talk (10:30 am – 12:30 pm)

Lunch (12:30 pm – 1:30)

Total Relaxation or Personal Time (1:30 pm – 3:00 pm)

Dharma Sharing: we were divided into 5 groups, each group consists of around 12 people (3:00 pm – 5:00 pm)

Stick Exercise (5:30 pm – 6:30 pm)

Dinner (7:00 pm – 8:00 pm)

Dharma Talk (8:00 pm – 9:00 pm)

Bathing (9:00 pm – 10:00 pm)

Night out (10:00 pm)

After each meal, we would wash our own bowls, plates, chopsticks, forks & spoons.
Vegetarian cuisine:

Needless to say, all meals are great!  I even saw the young monks and nuns making noodles, potato-fries, toro-fries!  Most of the cuisine are of Vietnamese style (sometimes with chilli), with some Western salad, bread etc.  

A beautiful Moon night – 28 March 2015 (Sat) 

On that night, to echo with Friends of the Earth's big campaign, all Hong Kong people/organizations were advised to switch-off lighting for 1 hour from 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm. 

After the evening Dharma talk, we went to the grassland, surprised to see the young monks have set up beach-mats for us to sit on, grass bottles with candles ... while the Moon was watching us tenderly, we just remained silent, sitting on the beach-mats on the grassland, watching stars and Moon!
Their songs & smile:

(To be continued …)

My old article #1 (2009 Sept)



Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hong Kong Eye - Day & Night